July has been a travel crazy month! I have hardley had any time to update any pictures or the blog. Kari and I joined Mark and a couple of his friends, Evan and Mark down in Puerto Rico for his big 30! We had so much fun, found some cool beaches and great restaurants. My favorite part of the trip was when we took a light airplane from the southern coast of Puerto Rico out to a little Island called Culebra Island. It is pretty much a deserted Island with a few homes but mainly just gorgeous beaches and light blue water. I even got to ride up front with the pilot and talk to him on the headset. Landing on the Island was interesting. You were just cruising along then you go over these big hills and turn and drop at the same time to land on this tiny Little landing strip. Talk about a roller coaster ride! What a great trip! Now we are back to reality. We both got home and had to go straight to work then up to Virginia for my niece's 1 year birthday party. I will add some pictures of that soon. It has been great seeing friends and family this month but definitely ready for a day on the couch!