Monday, February 28, 2011

some posts from pelican island wildlife refuge

This is one of the coolest places in all of Florida. It is down past sebastian off of A1A. That is such an amazing area because you are literally driving on this thin strip of road with a huge beach on your left and intercostal on your right. You come to this Island, Pelican Island, and its miles of trails and waterways to drop in your kayak. So much to do there it is amazing and I love how unspoiled it is. This whole area is just Florida at its finest. No condos or stores just nature. One of the most beautiful places I have ever seen!

My Favorite pic of Kari so far

I just love this one. I think it came out great!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

San Fran photos redone

Here are my san fran photos that i spent a little time retwiking

More with lightroom here is a before and after

More lightroom fun

I have been trying to learn as much as I can about the new Adobe lightroom software that I am using. I am going to and watching videos. Today I learned how to make collages to print out. Here are a few examples of what I have learned

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

So I won!!!!!!

For all of my blog readers you know I entered a water themed contest with my photo of the drop. and I won an honorable mention ribbon. I am so excited! Considering this was my first contest ever entered and i have only been shooting for a couple weeks I was pretty impressed with myself. Here is a photo of the winners.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So my water contest is tonight. I have spent alot of time trying to get a different perspective on water. Here is the one I finally decided on. it is a water drop falling out of my bathroom sink. Wish me luck!!!!!