This month has been very trying for Kari and I. I have been sick for a long time and feel horrible. I haven't worked in a long time and have to take it easy every day. I am still going through tests and am having to find a lot of patience to get through this. The fatigue and pain make it hard to do too much. I was relieved to know they finally found something in my kidney now I have to wait another week to find out what it is! Hopefully whatever this is can be fixed and we can have our life back. Kari and I decided to get out of the house and have a day out! We went to seaworld for the day and got to see my favorite the Shamu show!!! I also took a picture of my poor poor husband all alone on the roller coaster. Can u pick him out haha. He is all alone since I won't ride roller coasters and apparently no one wants to even share a row with him. Poor baby. But it cracked me up. I got to sit by the roller coasters and watch him fly over my head. It was totally dead there. Just us and the whole country of England.
1 comment:
Oh my gosh! I died laughing at the picture of Kari on the roller coaster. Haha!
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