Sorry I have not updated much on here and there actually has been so much going on! A big congrats to all my friends who have had spring weddings. We had a blast up in Myrtle Beach, SC at Elizabeth and Jerry's wedding. Such a beautiful wedding, very southern set in the middle of gorgeous Tree's in a adorable town called Conway. Liz looked so gorgeous!!!!! Jerry didn't look too bad himself. What a great time! Next we headed to Hilton Head, SC for Courtney and Travis's wedding. Again we had a blast catching up with all my old friends from High school. While we were there my parents, brother and his family, and my sister in laws parents all got together at a beach house. One last gathering before my brother gets sent out on the air craft carrier for 9 months. We are going to miss him so much and wish him a safe return! Also a congrats goes out to Tara and Dave. We didn't make it to there wedding but from the pictures I have seen Tara looked so beautiful!
I think our weddings are coming to a close for the summer. We have a few more trips planned for the summer. I will keep you updated! Other than that I have been struggling with sinus infections since Feb. As many of you know the pollen this year has been horrible. I just finished my 4th antibiotic since Feb. I saw a ENT who highly suggested I have a surgery to straighten my deviated septum. Um yay! Now i can get the nose job I have always wanted while he is doing the surgery! So excited. Still think I am going to wait a bit to do the surgery but we will see. Next time you all see me I may have a straight nose! Poor little Kari has been putting up with me and all my nose blowing. He has been healthy as a horse and working away. Trying to get in fishing trips when he can. I have been keeping him busy and on the road. I hope everyone else is healthy and happy out there and hope to catch up with everybody soon. XOXOXO
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