Sunday, February 14, 2010


HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!! I am the lucky woman who woke up to a dozen roses and candy this morning. Is it bad to eat chocolate before 8 am? haha we are off to have couples massages this afternoon then we are having steaks, twice baked potatoes for dinner at the house. We are finishing it off with a bottle of champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. yummers. Hope everyone is having a happy valentines day and are enjoying my favorite holliday! The best part of the day this year is that I get to spend it with the most loving wonderful man in the world. I LOVE you husband!

1 comment:

Harry said...

Haven't heard from you or Jenny since the wedding.Lot's has happened here.I no longer have my condo or my business.Have been in the hospital 5 times since last July.Lost everything.Turning things around now.Everythings good.Love Harry new email