Sunday, June 8, 2008

1 room complete

Okay so we have finished one room in Kari's house finally. The last thing to be done in this room and our next project is to change all the blinds in this house. So the pictures are not very good but If you can tell I am going for a morrocan style theme in this room. This is the guest room so when you all come stay this is your room. I don't think you can tell but I have two pretty frames set up for pics of the parents so I need good shots of you guys to go in there. I left the price tags on the palms incase Kari wasn't crazy about them I can take them back. Since he bought them hehe anyway, so please come visit anytime Your room s ready!!!!!!!


Unknown said...

Love it!! I'll call and make a reservation. Love, Mom

Elizabeth Gunn Reardon said...

you have such great taste! it's fabulous =)

Dad H said...

Can't wait to use it and also to get a ride in the new boat!!